Keynote Speaker
Marla Lukofsky's one-person show “I’m Still Here…and So Is My Hair!” about her breast cancer journey, received rave reviews across North America (Press below). Gilda's Club says, "Marla's show will save lives." Whether she's speaking to 600 people or 60, her show leaves its mark. "Lukofsky's skill and energy as a seasoned performer combined with her sincerity, humor and confidence fuel a hilarious, and sometimes shocking but always passionate performance." Ms. Lukofsky also has two TEDx Talks to her credit (Toronto, India) as well as several published essays and stories in international medical journals. She continues to share her experiences in the hopes of helping others. “If I can touch even one person, and make them feel they are not alone, then I have succeeded.”
Testimonials from Viewers of Marla's Keynote
"...Funny, insightful, thought provoking, informative, moving, and generously personal."
"...Poignant and meaningful."
"...She made me laugh, cry and think."
"...Marla's story had a little bit of everybody's story in it."
"...Deserves to be heard by as broad an audience as possible."
"...Lukofsky's skill and energy as a seasoned performer combined with her sincerity, humor and confidence, fuel a
hilarious and sometimes shocking but always passionate performance."
"...Remarkable balance between hilarity and brutal honesty."
"...A gift to those who are going through this..."
"…I have no doubt in my mind that Marla will save lives though she may never met those people."
"...We laughed until our sides ached and we cried until our hearts ached."
"…I've seen several motivational speakers. They do the ‘positive’ thing. Nothing new. Since being diagnosed with ovarian cancer, there's something lacking in their speeches that made me feel very alone. That is, - until I heard Marla! “Real” is what appeals to me about her and her speech. Real."
"…From the moment she took the stage, we were engaged by her always honest, oftentimes funny and heart- breakingly poignant story."
"…Her words of advice are those of the universal language of human compassion. "
"…The audience was mesmerized!"
Marla's Press for her Speaking Engagements
Letters of Recommendation
Available Upon Request
• Gilda's Club Speaker's Series
• Luncheon of Hope - Sudbury
• Luncheon of Hope - Thunder Bay
• Canadian Cancer Society Conference
• GlaxSmithKline (GSK) Conference
• Pamper Me Senseless (PMS) Fundraiser
• Mount Sinai Hospital (MSH) Fundraiser
• Women's College Hospital Speakers Series
• Willow Cancer Organization Speaker Series
• Katie Ford - Screenwriter and Audience member
• Student Letter from High School - Julia
• Student Letter from High School - Harry
• Ernestine's Woman Shelter Guest Speaker
• Canadian Association of Genetic Counsel
• George Vanier Secondary School
• Bayview Secondary School
• Cancer Patient - Rita (Gilda's Club)
• Cancer Patient - Darlene (Saskatoon)